
Typing Manual Pdf


The Course Selection page though is designed to work you through the optimal learning order. We highly recommend taking the courses in the order they are listed in the program. 4.2.2 Lessons Each course consists of lessons which are in turn made up of exercises, 5-8 in each lesson depending on your setup. When you begin a course, you will be presented with a screen of the first lesson. In the lesson screen, you will see the title of the lesson and all the exercises of the lesson listed. Information on the status of an exercise is displayed next to each exercise. If an exercise is completed, a check mark will be displayed.

The support pages contain the latest information and FAQs that will guide you with installation. 3 Starting TypingMaster Pro 3.1 Launching When you installed TypingMaster Pro to your computer, the installation program added TypingMaster Pro to your Start menu and to your Desktop. To start the program just either double click on the TypingMaster icon on your Desktop or click on the Start -button and go to Programs. Here you will find the TypingMaster folder which contains the program and manuals. Please click on 'TypingMaster Pro' to start the program. 3.2 First time launching The first time you start TypingMaster Pro you will be taken to the New User screen to create a user.

While reading this manual, take a few test shots and see how. Depending on the Lens Kit type, the lens instruction manual might also be included. Be careful not to lose any of the above items. The Software Instruction Manual is in the CD-ROM as a PDF file. See page 316 for instructions to look up things in the Software. Typing is the perfect tutor or guide for anyone who needs to learn to touch-type on a computer keyboard. Websites Here are a few of the outstanding online resources that provide opportunities to practice typing and use the computer keyboard and mouse while learning about reading, writing, etc.

IMPORTANT: Search without hyphens, spaces or backslashes (/). Did your Whirlpool Washing Machine break down? Did your Sony television start showing lines on the screen or have audio problems? Did your Samsung or Maytag appliance or electronic item break? Why buy a new unit or pay for an expensive repairman, we sell service manuals for technicians and do-it yourselfers so the product can be fixed economically. Nothing is worse than when an appliance or electronic device breaks down or goes on the fritz, whether is it a washer, a television set or a dryer. Often, the only options are to replace the product or pay for expensive repair.

The screen in a keyboard exercise is made up of a keyboard with the keys that are currently being studied highlighted. At the top of the screen, the sequence of keys to be pressed is shown. During the exercise, the key to be pressed is colored green after a 2 second delay. Underneath the keyboard, two hands are shown. A green dot indicates the finger you should use to press the key in question.

Installation TypingMaster Pro is available both on CD and in electronic form. If you purchase the program with electronic delivery, you will not receive a CD with your purchase. Instead, after your purchase a key will be sent that will unlock the demonstration version of TypingMaster making it a fully functional product with all the lessons enabled. Therefore, in order to install TypingMaster Pro you will need a connection to the Internet to download the demonstration version of TypingMaster Pro (or at least know someone who has a connection) and an email address where the license information will be sent. This section will explain the necessary steps to download TypingMaster Pro and get it installed on your computer. If you have purchased the program on a CD, you can skip the Downloading portion of the instructions. The rest of the installation instructions apply to both forms of delivery.

On the other hand, the sunny clouds will give you lots of bonus points. You can move between the clouds at any time by pressing the Enter key to go forward and the Backspace key to go back. You can also use the space bar to go forward, but it will not work when a word is incomplete. Wordtris This game is a variation of the classic Tetris.

The training section can be reached from the the Satellite menu in TypingMaster Pro or directly from the Satellite menu. To start training select a duration for the training session from from the drop-down menu labeled section 1. If you select 'No time limits' the lessons will be gone through without any time limitation. Then click on the 'Start Training' button.

Service manuals help point owners in the direction of troubleshooting tips and common product errors. Sometimes, a software glitch can be solved with something as simple as a restart or pushing buttons in a specific sequence. Service manuals also offer schematics of these home electronic devices. If there is a simple broken wire or a fuse that is swollen, these schematics will show exactly which parts need to be where.

This will give you a view of the selected course, listing all the lessons in that course. An option to turn off the Optimized Duration is also show, see more about how the Optimized Duration works. Click the 'Start Course' button again to continue. NOTE: To open other courses, simply click on the title links and proceed as described above. You will then be presented with the main view of TypingMaster Pro Courses section, the Lesson View. Note that once a course is selected andyou login in the future, the program will remember where you left off and continue from the course and lesson you were up to.

The bubbles game can also be studied with small or capital letters or both, or if that's too easy for you, you can always try numbers 0-9 with both small and capital letters. Clouds and Wordtris can also be played with a vocabulary of animals, cars or proper names. Statistics TypingMaster Pro gathers detailed information on your typing all throughout your studies.

After typing the letter X return finger to resting position. Right hand, use your pinky finger (;) to reach the letter P. After typing the letter P return finger to resting position.

To begin the lesson or continue to the next exercise, click on the exercise you wish to take. The highlighted one is the next exercise in order you should take. When the exercise is completed, you will return to the lesson view. It is also possible to navigate between the exercises.

If you do not have any other programs running select 'Next' to continue. Otherwise, select 'Cancel' and close all other programs and restart the setup program. • You will be presented with the License Agreement. Please read through this agreement carefully before accepting its terms. (It's always a good idea to know what you are getting into:-) By selecting 'I accept the agreement' you indicate that you have read the agreement and accepted its terms and the installation will continue.

Sodom persecution mania remastered rar. 4-7 Character Swap. 4-7 Correcting Printed Text. 4-8 Off-Line Correction. 4-8 Forward Correction.

Typing Software

When you select 'Save' the download will begin. The size of the installation package is around 3.6 MB.

When you type a letter in Word or an email in Outlook Express). Based on the information the program gathers about your typing, it will create custom exercises that will train your weaknesses. Since TypingMaster Satellite creates exercises to train the keys you are currently having trouble with, the Satellite will be able to help you develop and fine-tune your typing very effectively. How it works: • Typing Analysis Selecting Satellite from the Program menu takes you through the steps need to launch the Satellite. The Satellite then starts to monitor your typing in any Windows program. • Customized Training Based on the information that the Satellite has gathered on your typing, TypingMaster Pro will create material tailored to you needs.

After typing the letter N return finger to resting position. Left hand, use your ring finger (S) to reach the letter W. After typing the letter W return finger to resting position. Right hand, use your ring finger (L) to reach the. Tam dua kitabi yusuf islam.

However, the basic idea is the same. In word exercises, you copy words that are shown in the top half of the screen. Your position in the original text is shown by highlighting the current word and removing all copied words. The right side of the screen contains information on the completion of the exercise. Sentence drill Sentence drills are quite similar to word drills. The program shows one sentence per screen.

When this is selected, Satellite will only gather information on difficult keys. This reduces the risk of delicate information, such as passwords, being saved and used in the training exercises. Applications tab This tab displays the applications that the Satellite has detected and is tracking your typing in. The radio buttons at the bottom of your screen let you change between viewing all applications that the Satellite has detected and applications that are currently running. The top window will then display these applications. If an application is selected for monitoring, a check will appear next to it. Please uncheck all applications containing confidential information.

You can catch both types of clouds by typing the word under the cloud. Try not to miss the stormy clouds, since after six missed stormy clouds, the game will end.

It is recommend that you choose this option as this is the best way to monitor your typing during normal computer usage. Launch Satellite automatically The Satellite will launch when you start Windows with the current user account you have in TypingMaster Pro. This is the recommended option when you are the only person using the computer, or you have different Windows user accounts for different people using the computer.

Take a break You can choose whether you want the Satellite to remind you to take breaks. Each reminder also includes some useful ergonomics tips with practical things you can do to ease the strain of computer usage. To use the feature check the check box and then with the slider set how often the Satellite should remind you. Do note that the Satellite detects when you are not using the computer, so the slider indicates time of active use with the keyboard and mouse.

If you have some problematic keys or capitals, it's a good idea to start the customized practice to get you familiar with these keys. The list of difficult words is also ordered according to a word's difficulty. This list of words can also be edited by selecting a word or group of words from the list and selecting 'hide' to hide your selection or 'edit' to edit the last selected word. Words can also be added to this list by selecting 'add' and writing the word or words separated by a comma to the box and selecting OK. When a word is added manually, it will get a difficulty percentage of 100. 9.8 Statistics This section of the Satellite can be reached in two ways, either by selecting 'Statistics.' From the Satellite menu or by selecting the 'Statistics' tab at the top of the Satellite section in TypingMaster Pro.

You can control every aspect of the Satellite from the Satellite settings. Below the different the different settings tabs are listed along with explanations and tips. Personal tab The personal tab displays all personal settings for Satellite. The current user is displayed after the heading.

The middle option displays the application that is currently being monitored. If you do not want this application to be monitored, just click on this option and the application will not be monitored again. When you select 'Show Info on Top', a small Satellite Info window will appear.

If you are satisfied with these choices select 'Next'. If you wish to change some of your choices, you can return to your previous selections by selecting 'Back' until you reach the desired screen. • The install program will now copy the program files to the installation folder you have selected and shortcuts to the Start -menu will be created. An icon will also be created on your Desktop.

Typing Manual Pdf

In this mode the program does not collect any difficult words, it only records keys that are giving you trouble. In addition to this, the Satellite monitors only the programs that are specifically selected. This mode is recommended if you are working with many programs that require passwords or deal with sensitive material.

1-4 The Display. 1-4 Status Indicators. 1-5 Activating the Status Indicator. 4-6 WordEraser ®. 4-7 LineEraser.

To enable this simply leave the Take a Break option checked and select how often you would like to be reminded. Security Security options give you the possibility to use the Satellite in High Security mode.

If some keys enter the difficult or problematic areas and the program suggests that you review your problem areas, it's a good idea to follow this advice. 5.1.1 Review Options To start a Review exercise, first select the Keys to Review from section 1. The three options are: Difficult keys The program lists keys it finds you are having problems with. Studied keys The keys you are up to in your course. If no course selected this will be blank. Choose keys Here enter any keys you wish to review. Up to 6 keys can be entered.

Service manuals for popular brands like Sony, Panasonic and Maytag are the cheap alternative to hiring a professional or simply giving up on an appliance. It is easy to find the service manual for any product. We have an exhaustive collection of Sony service manuals, Panasonic service manuals and Maytag service manuals along with all the well known brands. Save Time & Save Money! Don't waste any more time searching for lost paperwork or waiting for an expensive repairman to show up when he feels like it. Service manuals let you diagnose and fix your appliances and electronics as soon as you finish your download. No matter what brand or what product, you will find what you need with us.

If you do not want for the Satellite to ask you your user name each time you log on, please select the option 'Start in logged off mode'. This will start the Satellite with no user selected and it will not gather information until a user logs in (click on the icon to select the user). About tab This tab shows information about the Satellite. The heading includes the program version number. If you are experiencing any problems with the Satellite, please contact us at and include this version number in you message. This will help us in determining the possible source of your problem. Satellite Information This area shows information on the launch method of Satellite and the user that is currently logged in.

This will place a check next to it to let you know it is being monitored. The second check box can be used for high security as it does not collect your difficult words.

Just select the test you wish to delete and click on the Delete button. Before starting the test you can also specify a duration for the test or specify the duration to be free.

Within 1-3 weeks of working through the drills in this manual, you can step into any mainstream program to learn typing. All of the exercises are very simple and can be used by the average child or adult. Of the several versions of the One Hand Typing and Keyboarding Manual on the disc, one is perfect for printing, this is the 72 page manual. From the CD you can print out your own hardback version of the manual. This is exactly the same as the 72 page comeback manual we sell for $29. But the best are the other four versions on the CD.

If you are using a modem, please reserve adequate time for the download process. The estimated download time with a 56K modem is around 10 minutes. TIP: If you are experiencing trouble with downloading or download speeds are considerably lower than your connection to the Internet, please cancel the download and click on the download link again. Clicking on the download link will direct your browser to retrieve the installation from one of three servers. This is used to even out the server load. At times a server may be busy and downloading from another server will be quicker.

If you are installing the program into a network, for example at a school or company, please refer to the for detailed installation information. Please exit all programs before starting the setup program. Other programs running in the background may have an adverse effect on the installation. Please print this section of the manual if you wish to see the instructions when installing. If you do not want to print this section, read through the instructions before installing. This will give you an idea of the choices you will make during installation. The instructions are organized into a list where a section represents a screen from the setup program • The install program will start by asking you to close all running programs.